Category Archives: Germany


Trying to fix the car. That night we were able to stay with two families. One put up Midge and the other took care of Jo and me. That evening the man told me that he fought on the eastern front. Sat us at a separate table in it’s own room and treated us like royalty. Showed me pics. Nice folks, took great care of us.

Camping on the Rhine


A Hungarian Jew (escaped from Hungary after Russian Invasion), an American Technician, and a Greek Patriot worked on the generator. They spent days and I suspect they were their happiest days. They rebuilt the generator. All they got paid  was the beer I bought every day.

The people of Munich were some of the nicest we’d met in Europe. I specially enjoyed the beer taverns where big strong women dealt out beer in huge tankards. They would carry these heavy trays with the beer piled high! The smallest tables sat at least 6, usually more. We had some enjoyable times.