I was pretty proud of this photo. I enlarged it and put it on my wall in Marpole. A real art piece, I thought! Friend Peter saw it and said “Ah, Sticks in water!” Deflating me somewhat.
The hand looks as defeated as the headlight.
If you want to see this story ‘Europe’ from the beginning or my previous story ‘Japan’ go to potpourri above and click on the subject.
We were traveling north and I spotted a horse jumping and running like he had spotted some danger. He had! It was our left front tire which had come off the car, leapt the fence and scared the poor horse. Stopped and put the damn thing on again. Jo took the opportunity to pick some strawberries from the farmyard which came right up to the road.
‘Mannikin Piss’ I recognized this years later while working in a foundry. Someone had ordered the can opener as Christmas gifts. Must have made 50 or so. I managed to grab one.
Lots of humorous sculpture.
We toured the 1958 World’s Fair site. It was in dismal shape. Took a video emphasizing this. If I ever figure out how to convert them to the internet I’ll post it.
We had to order a tyre from England as there were no such tires on the continent. So, Jo’s cousin did the job, bought the tire and two tubes.(just in case) We were stuck in this campsite, the wind came up so I thought it would be fun to fly a kite. So…I made one.
Ah, Midge. Not an especially loyal girlfriend but turned into a great lifelong friend.
It was fun and we met a lot of great people who were camping there. The campsite was a kind of squatters retreat and some of the people had been there for months.
Waited and waited for the tire and tubes.
A semi-practical use for my 10,000 historical photos