Category Archives: Vancouver

Work and Play

So, this is  my sojourn into photography in the 1960’s. The highlighted texts are links. Just click on them to find out where I’m taking you. If you want to make a comment or see the comments just click on the title.

These two were a hoot!

Focus Prints was on the 2nd floor and at the rear of 1255 Pender St. We shared that floor with a few interesting characters.

Across the hall was Al Sens; a very creative cartoonist and animator. When he finished a project he would call us in to show the product.

Down the hall, in a huge studio-like room was a Costume Rental. The proprietor mainly rented to theatre companies. He was forever dressing up in his latest costumes and pay us hilarious visits. Often, we’d go over and share a few beers while he would duck behind a screen and change into dozens of different costumes.

Josephine and myself taking advantage of the Costume Outfit.

Glenn had an office down the hall. He was a freelance commercial artist and very busy. The first year Ken and I did all the Focus Prints work. It wasn’t that much and we had plenty of time to play chess.

Definitely I was being exposed to some very creative people but this was only the beginning. Gradually I was getting acquainted with Glenn’s working friends. These were some of the most interesting characters I would ever meet and their ingenuity would influence me for the rest of my life.

Dick Dunne, model builder, had an office across the street where he constructed scale model buildings. His clients were architects who used his models to show clients just how their new building would look. The work was quite exacting and Dick paid scrupulous attention to detail.

In the same building George McLachlan did illustrating for advertising agencies. Another genius in creativity. Once George took a photograph of me and transformed it into a 60 year old man. Grey hair and all. (lost it somewhere over the years)

Hal Arnold didn’t seem to have an office or a need for one. He was kind of a freelance art director. If and advertising agency had a project that needed skill of a veteran director they would hire Hal. So, his office was in the agency or his west end apartment.

Joane Humphrey, Dick Dunne.

Joane Humphrey, another old friend, started out her career as a model then went into broadcasting. (JJ Mcall)

Dick Wyndham, another talented designer, had an office across the street as well.

Every morning Dick Dunne, George McLachlan, Dick Wyndham, and I would meet before work for coffee at a little coffee shop in the same building. (Sometimes Hal would appear but never Glenn. He was one of those people who could never show up on time. A familiar sight would be Glenn running down the sidewalk, briefcase in hand, and tie streaming over his shoulder)

Have you noticed what all these people had in common? They all had land or a special affection for Hornby Island.