Category Archives: Canada


Large prints mounted on board.

 A firm wanted a wall size mural for their conference room. I took the 5×7 camera to the beach and shot a picture of downtown Vancouver. Mounting large murals took some expertise. Each section overlapped slightly. So the print was mounted with overlap and then cut to fit. A tricky process as the paper tended to shrink as it dried. We used a special wallpaper paste that  wouldn’t allow shrinkage.

Hiding the seams.

These two got pretty good at it and we hired them whenever we were responsible for mounting.

Greater Vancouver

Can you imagine being stuck in this lineup day after day?

Bring on the Seabus. I was long gone by the time this was operating.

Gas was cheap. Less than $1 a gallon.1969

Living on the North Shore I would stay late to avoid the long lineups heading for the Lion’s Gate Bridge. This is an evening view from Focus.