Hornby Island BC, Hornby Island People, Hornby Island places and scenes, Thatch Today’s Photo January 23/07 January 23, 2007 Bob Cain 2 Comments Louise and Gordon Vilven 1976
Hornby Island BC, Hornby Island places and scenes, Thatch Today’s Photo January 22/07 January 22, 2007 Bob Cain The Thatch on Hornby Island, today
Hornby Island BC, Hornby Island People, Thatch Today’s Photo November 26/06 from Hornby Island November 26, 2006 Bob Cain 5 Comments Table Artists-The Thatch-1987
Hornby Island BC, Hornby Island People, Thatch Today’s Photo Sept 19/06 from Hornby Island September 19, 2006 Bob Cain Jack Parnells’ Wake Hornby Island 1990