Home Fire! April 16, 2019 Bob Cain 1 Comment The chimney caught fire. 1993 Fortunately I’d managed to throw a bunch of water into the fireplace, closed the doors, which seemed to stop the fire. The Fire dept. didn’t have to use any water outside or inside. (Phew) That was it for that piece of junk. Soon I tore it down and took it up to the recycling depot.
Home Chimney April 15, 2019 Bob Cain 2 Comments The doors helped a bit but the heatalater still smoked so I added that pipe.
Home Doors 11 April 14, 2019 Bob Cain 1 Comment Beautiful set of doors. Why are they out in the woods? Tell you tomorrow. Lovely handle for opening the doors. Leigh called it a “Scrotum Pole”.