6 thoughts on “The Play”

  1. So think I’ve got it…..Miriam Mcnamera, Ariel Byers, Stuart Fels, Vicki McLeod, Joe Bassett, Latigo Biggins! Melissa Devost. Thanks Tom!

  2. One more. I remembered another name. I’m pretty sure the second from the left girl was Vickie (don’t know her last name). I should also mention that Trevor Stead was part of the show, he’s just not in this photo. The cast consisted of four girls and four boys.

  3. Wait a minute. the first kid on the left is not Trevor Stead. I don’t think he’s in the photo, That’s Miriam ???. I’m not sure about the next two girls. One is for sure George Bouvier’s daughter. I’ll be Melissa would remember.

  4. I directed this show, Doris Stonehouse played the piano accompaniment, Mary Mackenzie designed the set and costumes (not shown in this photo). The kids are left to right: Trevor Stead, ?? Bouvier, Morgan Fels, Miriam ??, Joseph Bassett, Stuart Fels, and Melissa Devost. Sorry, I don’t remember all the names exactly, correct me if you have more accurate remembrance. It was a great show, the kids were simply marvellous.
    Tom Durrie

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