These people had to climb this two or three times. (steps were dug into the snow so they had to go single file. Wikipedia ” To be allowed to enter the Klondike and take part in the gold rush, Canadian officials required that stampeders take one ton of goods with them, to try to ensure they were prepared to survive on the frontier.[5] This was broken down into a year’s supply of food, which was half of the weight, as well as another thousand pounds of equipment.[5] The supplies and food requirements were broken down into two lists.[6] The clothing items included: a waterproof blanket, 6 pairs of wool socks, 2 flannel over shirts, and a medicine chest. The list continues with the essential clothing needed. Some of the supplies required included: rolled oats, flour, salt, and bacon. The weight ranged from between 20 pounds to 400 pounds for one ingredient. This list was taken very seriously, as there was rarely a return journey after the Klondike was reached. “
This recent drawing by moi seems a little erotic.
my Grandfather was part of that. My mother could remember him telling stories about it.
It certainly does dear Bob. One woman did the trail with a broken leg and her long dresses, she went in search of her son…I did the trail in the summer with a 20lb pack and that was enough for me!